18 Unusual Wedding Traditions From Around The world

The Swedish kissing party – Sweden

Sweden might just be the country with the highest number of unique wedding traditions in the world. From the bridal crown to carrying a silver and gold pennies in the bride shows and screaming the “I do’s” as loud as they can. But the one tradition that tops it all and it’s the oldest wedding customs which transcends all nations, cultures and nationalities, the kiss of the bride and groom that seals the deal.

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The Swedes like to keep the kissing going all through the reception, and even the guests are welcome to chime in. The tradition states that if the groom leaves the room for any reason, then the other men at the wedding are allowed to kiss the bride and if the bride excuses herself then the woman is allowed and even welcomed to kiss the groom. One thing is certain, It is not the jealous type couples.

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Fan Fact:

At Christian weddings, brides wear “something old” and “something blue” as a symbol of continuing the past and of purity.